速報APP / 健康塑身 / Babychakra Pregnancy Baby App.

Babychakra Pregnancy Baby App.



檔案大小:60.7 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 9.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Babychakra Pregnancy Baby App.(圖1)-速報App

BabyChakra is India’s largest parenting and pregnancy app offering personalised information on pregnancy to parenting and childcare. The experience includes daily tips, milestones, week by week development, pregnancy diet, nutrition and fitness related content for both the baby bump and baby.

If you are looking for any kind of parenting and childcare support and guidance or advice on baby names, Indian baby names and Hindu baby names, then this is the app for you! Join India’s best parenting community today!

BabyChakra Community

BabyChakra is trusted by millions as India’s best parenting community. Questions on parenting, childcare, pregnancy nutrition, diet, fitness and even postpartum depression will be answered right here on BabyChakra! Top experts are essential to the BabyChakra community and include pediatricians, gynecologists, lactation and nutrition consultants who answer parenting questions on ovulation, pregnancy tests, baby bump, pregnancy food tracker and pregnancy Yoga to breastfeeding and postpartum depression.

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BabyChakra Content

Content, highly customised and personalized to your parenting journey, is available in the form of blogs, expert authored content, videos, infographics and daily tips. The BabyChakra parenting and pregnancy app aims to be a constant companion by providing parenting, pregnancy tips and childcare advice to users.

BabyChakra Marketplace

A wide range of curated products and services with genuine reviews are available on BabyChakra.

Babychakra Pregnancy Baby App.(圖3)-速報App

Trusted by Millions, Recommended By Experts

Millions of parents and parents-to-be have and continue to benefit from content around ovulation, pregnancy health and nutrition, fitness, pregnancy Yoga, postpartum depression and tips on baby development, milestones and childcare available on BabyChakra, India’s best parenting community. Hundreds of experts including pediatricians, gynecologists, lactation consultants and nutrition consultants recommend BabyChakra as the go-to app for everything related to parenting, pregnancy and childcare.

Personalisation of the journey:

Interact with other parents, ask questions to experts, share experiences and buy/book trusted products and services.

Babychakra Pregnancy Baby App.(圖4)-速報App

Select interests and hashtags for more content on ovulation, pregnancy diet, nutrition, fitness, pregnancy yoga, baby milestones, baby development, postpartum depression, baby food, breastfeeding, childcare etc. and get them daily.

Get access to a wide and trusted range of products and services around pregnancy diet and fitness, pregnancy yoga, childcare, baby food to name a few.


Daily tips based on pregnancy week/baby's age

Babychakra Pregnancy Baby App.(圖5)-速報App

Pregnancy tracker for pregnancy week by week development

Baby tracker to measure baby's developmental milestones

Answers from experts and moms on anything from pregnancy to parenting

If you are pregnant:

Babychakra Pregnancy Baby App.(圖6)-速報App

Right from ovulation to pregnancy tests, diet, fitness and Pregnancy Yoga to pregnancy nutrition, we have got everything to make your pregnancy journey smooth.

You can track your baby’s development in the womb week by week

Access a pregnancy tracker to follow pregnancy progress

Receive daily pregnancy tips

Babychakra Pregnancy Baby App.(圖7)-速報App

Read content related to pregnancy diet, health, fitness, pregnancy yoga and nutrition

Ask questions and get answers related to pregnancy fitness, diet, nutrition and pregnancy yoga from moms and experts

Buy from a trusted range of products and services

If you are a parent:

Babychakra Pregnancy Baby App.(圖8)-速報App

With BabyChakra, India’s best parenting community, get answers to all questions right from baby development and milestones to baby food and childcare.

If you are experiencing postpartum depression, we have India’s best parenting community to help you out!

You can assess baby’s development based on baby milestones using baby tracker

Receive daily tips on parenting, baby development and baby milestones

Babychakra Pregnancy Baby App.(圖9)-速報App

Read content related to baby development, baby milestones, baby food and childcare

Buy from a wide and trusted range of products and services in childcare

支援平台:iPhone, iPad